Wednesday, October 9, 2013

8th Grade Music of the American Revolution

The following links are the lyrics to the songs of the American Revolution.

"The Liberty Song"

"The World Turned Upside Down"

"Yankee Doodle" (scroll down to FULL VERSION)

"Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier"

"God Save the 13 States"


  1. It was midnight when the bomb exploded on the ninth floor at the
    Luxurious Traders Hotel in Myanmar's the biggest city badly wounding an America.The police told the Reuters that the explosion was late on Monday night. Soon after that they found another bomb that exploded in the parking lot of the Pyitsone Hotel.They do not know who caused the explosion or why they are doing it.2A Nylah Elder

  2. One holiday that Greece celebrates is Christmas . It is the most festive holiday in Greece.And it is also the day Jesus was born they celebrate it because it is one of the many christian holidays . It is also celebrated all over the world. It is mainly celebrated on December 25 and most people put up a Christmas tree. It is one holiday that is still celebrate it today.
