Monday, September 23, 2013

8th Grade "The Cost of War"

The French and Indian War was a financial burden that Great Britain looked to the American Colonies to pay off.  So a war with the American Colonies continued to strain the Crown's pockets as well as stress their military resources.  Although the technology has changed, past and present wars all have human, economic, social, and political costs.

Using the website "Costs of War," and working in a small group, read an article from each pull down menu (human, economic, social, and political costs).  Then, TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU READ and READ IT AGAIN IF NECESSARY.  If you have questions - ASK FOR HELP.  If you don't have questions, complete the case study organizer and post your group's findings on the blog.


  1. Jessie, Autumn, and CamerynSeptember 24, 2013 at 8:39 AM

    Human Cost: kkdglksjglskjgf
    Economic Cost: ihdfohsdfhs
    Social and Political Cost: hsdiufhsdiufhsio

  2. Human cost:
    Economic Cost:
    Social and Political:

  3. Devyn Hauser And Dylan MorahanSeptember 26, 2013 at 7:25 AM

    Human Costs:1.) The people who are affected are civilians, US Military Soldiers, US Contractors, Iraq Military, and Police.
    2.)The people who bear the brunt of the costs are US Soldiers and families, and Afghan or Iraqi civilians.
    3.)The cost in the future is permanent because we can't earn the money back.
    Economic Costs: 1.) The costs we have spent is $259 Billion.
    2.) The people who bear the brunt of cost is the US Economy.
    3.)The cost in the future is not permanent because we can pay it off.
    Social and Political Costs: 1.) The costs are the "Blacks" rights.
    2.) The people who bear the brunt of costs are Afghan or Iraqi civilians.
    3.) The cost in the future is not permanent because we can stop prisoning Afghans and Iraqis.
    Benefits: 1.) Yes Afghanistan and Iraq brought democracy because we eliminated safe havens to terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.
    2.) Afghan and Iraqi women partially were liberated by having very little political influence and power to participate in decision making.
    3.) We think the benefits to war are peace, freedom, and liberty.

  4. Human Cost: 1.158,000-202,000 people died and about 1 billion dollars. 2. Anyone who lost someone in the war, US tax payers, and future generation.
    3.No, you can pay money to fix the damages but the people lost is always permanent.
    Economic Cost: 1. 1.25 million veterans and 32.6 billion dollars.
    2. Veterans familys and tax payers.
    3. It will cost 600 billion-1 trillion dollars over the next 40 years for veterans.
    Social and Political:1. 400 billion dollars.
    2. Afgans and Iraqis.
    3.Yes, you can pay off the debt.
    Benefits: Yes, when the war happend the country needed a leader so Sudan Hussain took leadership by force.
    No, because the war funds and the dead had made the woman leave the country or become povered. Two more countries became democratic.

  5. River B. and Cheyanne T.September 26, 2013 at 7:35 AM

    Human cost: 2/3 of heads of household among I.D.P. cant find work or aren't working. 1/3 of population survives on less than a dollar a day Irag's and Afghans pay the price, and the refugee situation continues to worsen.

    Economic cost: Unemployment is at 23% and corruption is rampant. Government tried to improve security but failed. In 2003 everything remained the same or decreased.

    Social and Political cost: It affects everyone because its the environment. The cost of the environment is: Water and soil polluton, Toxic Dust, Gas from vehicles, Destruction from War. The cost will persist because of war, because the environmental cost are mostly from war.

    Benefits: Yes, they did have a democracy because they each had a goal. The woman were not liberated because the war made the situation worse.

  6. Human costs: The amount of people this affected was over 106,000 soldiers in war. The United States soldiers and families ended up bearing the brunt of the costs. The cost persist is permanent, because you can not undo getting burnt of getting paralyzed.
    Economic costs: The United States spent $3.1 trillion and counting, this is counting 2013. The United States taxpayers end up bearing the brunt of the cost. The cost will continue to rise.
    Social and Political: 100,000 people were affected. The United States soldiers bear the brunt of the cost. Its possible to undo the damage done but not likely.
    1. The wars did bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq it was not initial for any of the wars. It was ranked very poorly but eliminating safe haven to terrorists and weapons of mass destruction played a role in bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq.
    2. The wars dˆd not liberate Afghan and Iraqi women it made things worse for them. Each war made Afghan and Iraqi women refugees and widows. This made it dangerous for women to seek schooling, health care, paid employment and legal rights.
    3. Some more benefits or achievements of war would be getting all anger out. Also might have peace in our country when its over because you dont have to worry about if they are going to attack when unexpected.

  7. Olivia A. and Kaitlyn C.September 26, 2013 at 7:39 AM

    Human costs
    1:It affected soldiers, militants, Police, contractors, journalists, humanitarian workers, civilians, and over 330,000 people that have died. It cost $2.2 trillion dollars plus in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq would be about $4 trillion.
    2:The person who will pay for all of this will be U.S. tax payers or Afghan or Iraqi civilians because of a human toll.
    3:It will persist in the future they will probably be able to undo the damage but it will just take awhile.

    Economic costs:
    1:The people that it will affect will be U.S. tax payers and civilians. We do not know how much it will cost we are still adding it up.
    2: Future generations will take part in this and they will pay 4 trillion dollars for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.
    3:Its possible to undo the damage just not till the future.

    Social and Political costs
    1. It affects US civilians who have nothing to do with terrorism and are being watched.
    2.US civilians, tax payers, and soldiers are going to pay for damage.
    3.The cost will persist in the future, future generations will pay taxes and fight in the war.


    1.Yes, but its not a perfect and functioning democracy

    2.No, but it was promised to the and is still in the process

    3.Yes because we are closer to achieving a democracy for Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

  8. Chloe Rice and Christa ChavezSeptember 26, 2013 at 7:40 AM

    Human Cost: It affects hundreds of thousands of people in the areas of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. 158,000-202,000 people died in those places in the last decade. The civilians bore the most cost because their homes are being destroyed and they are losing family members. It will take a while to redo the damage. It will take time to rebuild the cities but they will not be able to rebuild their family members.
    Economic Costs: Borrowed money for the war will cost $1 trillion by 2023. In 30-40 years the medical and disability costs will be about $754 billion. The US has increased $455 billion beyond what we already had. US civilians bear the brunt of the cost because we pay taxes to pay for war.The cost in war for everything is expected to keep rising.
    Social and Political Costs: It affects over 100,000 prisoners in the American Detention System. The Iraqi and Afghani citizens and future generations bear the brunt because they are being tortured. It is possible to undo the damage because we can stop torturing them.
    1.The war brought democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq because they wanted to be like the USA in some ways.
    2. The war did libertate the Iraqi women because the widowhood decreased and refugee status skyrocketed.
    3.The achievements of the war have stopped terrorist attacks on the USA.

  9. refuges and heath
    human cost: 1. It affected Turkey, Europe, U.S.A., Lebanon,Jordan, Syria , Iran, and Iraq.
    2.Who bears the brunt of the cost?: Afghan and Iraqi civilians.
    3:They would have to have enough money to pay off their debts and still have enough to keep their country in order.
    Economic cost: 1:over 90,000 people were affected, the U.S. already paid 32.6 billion dollars providing medical cave and disability benefits to these veterans. 2: Iraqi & afghan vets.
    3:It is possible that in 30-40 years the country will be back to normal.
    Social and political cost: 1: The people who were affected the most were the people who live in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
    2: I think that Afghan and Iraqi civilians suffer the most from this because this will cause permanent damage to the country.
    3: i think the damage will be permanent because a lot of money went into this and they wont be able to gain that much money back for a while.
    benefits: Did the war bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq?
    yes, because they use to rank 180-182 but now they rank 1.5 .
    Did the war liberate Afghan and Iraqi women? Yes , but people keep objecting
    Can you think of any other benefits or achievements of the wars?
    some thing the war brought was better care for veterans who had been injured during the war, it also helped bring peace in some countries.

  10. Human cost:
    1. It effects 700,000 veterans, and more then 2.5 million Children. it also effects spouses, parents, children, and friends. It effects 700,000 veterans and more then 2.5 million children.
    2. The cost is effecting the veteran families.
    3. It will most likely keep going on until there is peace.
    Economic cost:
    1. There is a good effect on the people getting jobs from the military forces. 8.3 jobs are created every $1 million in military spending.
    2. The future generation pay the price because instead of the military using money for kids education they use it on getting more jobs for adults.
    3. It could be undone if the military earns mote money and uses it on kids eduction.
    Social and Political:
    1. It effects the Abu Ghraib prisoners (about 100,000 prisoners)
    2. The prisoners and the prisoners families pay the price because they are the ones that are getting abused.
    3. It can continue if the military keeps abusing the prisoners.
    1. The wars did bring democracy to Afghan and Iraqi. Because its eliminated safe heaven to terrorist and weapons to mask destruction.
    2. Yes, because there refugee status skyrocketed.
    3. You should feel proud of yourself for fighting for your country.

  11. Lukin Stolpe and Nike DunkelSeptember 26, 2013 at 7:44 AM

    Human Cost: 1: The people who were affected were the Iraq and Afghanistan Civilians, Local police, and Military and the United States and Soldiers Citizens. 2: The people who bear the brunt are the Iraqi and Afghanistan citizens and U.S. Civilians. 3:This cost is permanent and can never be replaced you can't bring dead back to life.
    Economic Cost: 1:We spent money on the war effort and we spent $259 billion 2: the people who bear the brunt are the United States citizens and the US economy. 3: This isn't permanent it can be replaced by paying.

  12. Human Costs 1. 700,000 veterans currently suffering reconizible disabilities.
    2. Demestic violence U.S army families increased 54%.
    3. Yes, suicide and mental illness.
    Economic costs. 1 8.3 jobs created.
    2. U.S. tax payers.

  13. Human Cost: 1. Billions of dollars to reconstructing Iraq, 123,000-134,000 killed. 2. Afghanistan and Iraq civilians. 3. Hopefully Iraq does not die and they can have peace in the next decade.
    Economic Cost: 1. 32.6 billion in constant dollars. 2. US veterans. 3. Yes, it will persistent, because the US veterans need to have enough to pay the budgets.
    Social and Political Costs: 1. the total number of reported hate crime incidents in the US decrease over 18%
    2. The racial and religious suspiscions. 3. No, because the cost has just decreased in the past years.
    1. yes because it is categorized as an authorization regime and ranks 180-182.
    2. Yes, because Iraq womens orginization's won a 25% quota for a new women legislature.
    3. Winning the war and beating the other army.

  14. Zach Cochran and Mitchell TakesSeptember 26, 2013 at 7:46 AM

    Human Cost: 675,000 vets have been granted disability over the wars. 2 million children have coped with not having parents with having parents in the war. Suicide rates have increased and veterans are 75% more likely to get in automobile accident. In the end I think vets bare the brunt the brunt of the cost.

    Economic cost: Government has said soldiers have had pre-existing conditions saving itself 12.5 billion dollars. The scope of the cost is 3.1 trillion dollars and counting. We've spent 135 billion dollars for medical care, and disability on one million wounded vets. After borrowing money from other country's for the war the total cost of interest will be one trillion by 2023.
    Social and Political Cost: 130 journalist have been killed covering the war. Cost will increase if journalist have to continue covering the war while in danger.

    1. Yes it wasn't their initial goal though.

    2. No not completely they have to deal with their dead husbands and the bad economy

    3. No.

  15. Human Cost: About 700,000 soldiers have suffered a disability. The soldiers themselves have suffered the brunt of it. The wounds will be permanent.

    Economic Costs: One million dollars have been spent on construction. Tax payers of course would take the brunt of this. having to pay for it. The damage could be under by repaying the cost.

    Social and Political Costs: 130 journalist were killed covering the war. The journalist and their families took the brunt of it. The damage will remain because the dead cant be brought back.

    1. Yes, they have democracy but it is limited in significant ways.

    2. No, but they are very slowly on their way to liberating women.

    3. None that I can think of.

    1. Andrew And Conner previous Post

  16. Nick H. and Spencer C.September 26, 2013 at 8:26 AM

    Human Costs:
    1. 2.5 million people have been affected by the war.
    2. The people that effect the brunt of the cost is to U.S. Army and families.
    3. The cost persist permanent and you one never able to undo the cost of deaths.

    Economic Cost:
    1 The reconstruction of the places affected by war is $5.3 billion dollars.
    2: The people who bare the brunt of the cost is the U.S. taxpayers and futre generations.
    3.It is possible to undo the damage, but we have to pay off the cost of the loan/debt.

    Social And Political Costs:
    1. The whole country of Iraq is affected by the lower education.
    2.The U.S. tax payers that pay the cost.
    3.TheI Iraqi people bare the brunt of the educational costs.
    4.The cost on the Iraqi people is permanent because that is lost educational time, and value.

    1.Iraq has democracy but Afghanistan did not go for democracy,and then Afghanistan restricted it.
    2.Yes, because 6 female head ministeries from 2005-2006.
    3. There were no benefits to this one,

  17. Brady Bartz and Jack WhitneySeptember 26, 2013 at 8:32 AM

    Human Costs:
    1. It affected the 6,600 dead, and their friends and families.
    2. The people responsible for their deaths are the U.S. soldiers.
    3. Yes, because you can't undo the damage of killing someone.

    Economic Costs:
    1. It costed the U.S. $1,406 billion dollars.
    2. The U.S. taxpayers.
    3. Yes, because they will still have the debt left over in the future.

    Social and Political Costs:
    1. It affected all of the Iraqi and Afghan People.
    2. Future generations.
    3. Yes, because you can't undo the damage of torturing another person.

    1. Yes, but it's very limited and it was not the initial goal.
    2. No, because the number of Iraqi women reduced to impoverished widowhood and refugee status skyrocketed.
    3. No.

  18. Dylan Bourgeois and Grant MethSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:34 AM

    Human Costs: 2 million children have coped with parents entering the war. Over the years 675,000 veterans have been granted disabilities therefore drastically increasing the suicide rate of veterans. We think that the cost will go into the future because war will always demand sacrifice.

    Economic Cost: For every $1 million of military spending 8.3 jobs were created. But $1 million of other federal spendings would create 15.5 public education jobs or 14.3 jobs in healthcare. Military spending is less labor intensive and usually goes over seas creating less jobs in the U.S. The war has cost $1.3 Trillion in the last decade averaging out to $130 billion per year.

    Social and Political Cost: Over 100,000 prisoners have passed through an American run detention center in Iraq during the first years of the war. The detention centers are largely funded by the C.I.A. Within the detention centers there was a lot of violence such as physical, psychological, and sexual violence.

    1. Sort of, it is still forming but we got rid of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.

    2. No, they dont have any political influence.

    3. We planted the seed of Democracy in the Middle East.

  19. Human Costs: 123,000-134,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in the war. The Iraqis had no clean drinking water, and 1 in every 12 Iraqis are internally displaced or left the country. There are 2.8 million more orphans than at the beginning of the war. The Iraqis are the people bear the brunt of the cost. The cost will always be there because people have lost there loved ones.

    Economic Costs: International security and humanitarian assistance costs over $74 billion, In Afghanistan Pakistan and Iraq. More than half went to Iraq. Lots of money went to U.S. contractors and was lost or was misspent. Half a billion dollars went to Uzbekistan, for assisting with U.S. aid. 50 million dollars went towards a state of the art pediatric center.

    Social and Political Costs: Anti-Muslim crimes went up from 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001. The Justice Department investigated more than 800 incidents of violence, vandalism and arson. Over the past decade there has been a 150% rise in workplace discrimination towards Muslims.
    Muslim applicants are often denied citizenship fore invalid reasons. Journalist and television personalities encourage racial profiling. The Muslims bear the brunt of this cost. This cost will be persistent in the future because it is human nature for people to discriminate people.


    1.Yes, it was not the initial rational, but quickly became a goal for both wars.

    2. No/Yes, they still have very little political influence, and have gender discrimination problems. They won 25% quota for women in the new legislature. One of 44 members of the current cabinet is a woman.

    3. Afghanistan is a minimal, procedural democracy, and women have a few more rights than they had before the wars began.

    Alternatives and Recommendations: There are several approaches that would have been more effective than military response, such as criminal justice and attempts to address the response and well-being concerns of both combatants and broader populace that might support them.

  20. Human Costs:1/3 of Afghans population survive on less than $1 a day. Over 6 million Afghans have been displaced in the last 3 decades. There are 1.4 million IDP in Iraq

    Economic Costs: Total Pentagon spending for the wars totals $2.11 trillion through fy 2013. The wars appear to have increased the pentagon "base" budget appropriates an additional $706 billion,

    Social and Political Costs: 2/3 of the army's fuel is used transporting fuel to the battlefield. Increases in cancer, birth defects and other conditions have been associated with war related environmental toxins.

    1. No because there ranked 180 and 182.

    2.No they have little political power.

    3. Fight for power and respect from other countries.

  21. Kyle Holmes and Neil SharmaSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:38 AM

    Human Costs: 1. Between 158,000-202,000 recorded deaths by collateral damage and intentional execution. 2. Afghan or Iraqi are affected. 3. The cost is permanent because the dead can't resurrect.

    Economic Costs: 1. $130 billion per year spent on jobs. 2. US taxpayers affected the most because they get more jobs but pay more taxes. 3. It is not permanent because the government could stop paying money or the business could go bankrupt.

    Social and Political Costs: 1. $400 billion spent for military contracts. 2. US taxpayers are affected the most because they must pay more taxes. 3. It is possible to undo because if the Pentagon loses budget they cant spend more on military contracts.

    Benefits: 1. Yes, they are in the democracy index and have a prime minister.

    2. No, Bonn did not include groups about marginalization of women.

    3. A benefit is less taliban.

  22. Kalista Reyes, Erionna JordanSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:40 AM

    1.Human Costs
    It affects the U.S. military, U.S. Congress, Iraqi military and police, and allied Troops.
    It didn't cost any money. The soldiers and their families bears the brunt of the cost.
    Yes, the cost will persist in the future because soldiers will die in future wars.
    2. Economic cost
    It affected 210,000 people.
    Afghanistan and Iraqi share the brunt of the cost.
    Yes because more if we don't add up our expenses.
    3.Social and Political Costs
    It affects 2,500 people.
    The national security.
    There is no cost.
    It can continue because the more people come in contact that makes a larger amount affected by the social and political costs.

    They brought democracy but it was not initial to bring it but the promotion quickly became a huge goal for both countries.
    They did liberate women and 1/4 of the Afghanistan legislature is consisted of women.
    They mobilized against domestic violence, trafficking, and honor based crimes.

  23. Alexis Smith and Katie HemannSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    Human Costs: 224,656 plus soldiers were killed or wounded which caused permanent and or dependable damage that will be in affect to the families of wounded and dead soldiers. The families and the Veterans Health Administration will have to pay for the medical bills of the soldiers.

    Economic Costs: The GDP oil prices will go up and the consumers will have to pay more money. The costs of the oil could change at anytime of any day. They people of Iraq are trying to improve the economic well being of their country.

    Social and Political Costs:
    1. Water and soil Pollution caused contamination by residue of chemical weapons, produced a higher rare of cancer, caused birth defects and baby deaths.
    2. Toxic Duct pollution caused cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, and neurological disorders.
    3. Green house gas and Military vehicles caused a lot of pollution. It caused 1.2 million barrels of used oil, no workable wartime conditions, fuel gas pollution to the enviroment, ammunition deposits and oil fires.
    4. Forests, Wetlands, and war destruction caused 38% of forest destruction, illegal logging from the wetlands and droughts were happening during this rough time.
    5. Wildlife construction was caused bombings from the war. 85% percent of birds do not fly through this area anymore. Hunting by people killed almost half of all of the living animals that lived in this area.

    1. Yes the wars did bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq, it eliminated safe haven to terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.
    2. No the wars did not liberate Afghan and Iraq women, because of gender violence and poverty as a result of male spouses death or disappearance.
    3. A benefit from all of this war would be the countries getting new ideas from both sides of the war. This also gives both countries a new and or fresh start.

  24. Kian Weimer and Ryan EnnekingSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    Human Costs: 123,000-134,000 Iraq civilian's were killed and wounded. They were harmed by bombs, bullets and fires and some people are still dieing. 2.8 million people remain displaced from there own homes.Which means 1 out of 12 people don't have a home.

    Economic Costs: The U.S. have to pay 3.1 trillion dollars and counting. U.S. is obligated to pay future medical and disability costs of veterans. The current wars were paid for almost entirely from borrowing.

    Social and Political Coast:In Iraq, over 100,000 prisoners have passes the American-run detention system. In Afghanistan, the United States has operated approximately 25 detention facilities since the war began in 2001. People have been released from detention centers in Iraq.

    1.Yes,because they are voting but it is still not a very good government.

    2. Yes, because thieve talked to leaders and gave women more rights and to make them equal to men.

    3. freedom and peace

  25. The Cost Of The War Project

    Human Cost
    1. It affects people with a disability, and children who are clinically depressed.
    2. U.S. soldiers and their Families are effected by the war.
    3. Veterans could take therapy after the war.

    Economic Cost
    1. It effects everyone, the total cost is $1,406.9 Billion.
    2. U.S. taxpayers are affected by the war.
    3. Yes, because after the war, you can always rebuild.

    Social and Political cost
    1. The war effects gas prices.
    2. U.S. taxpayers are effected by the war because they are losing money.
    3. Some way to save money and gas are riding bikes and going GREEN.

    1. The wars did bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq because after the war the U.S. led an invasion.
    2. The wars did liberate Afghan and Iraqi women because after the Democratization and protecting human rights.
    3. Try not to start wars and don't be wasteful.

  26. Autumn Hardman Madison BakerSeptember 26, 2013 at 8:45 AM

    Human Cost: It affected 1.8 million refugees and over 5.7 refugees return to Afghanistan and 1/3 of Afghanistan's survive on $1 a day. While another half of Afghans do not have clean drinking water, and 1/3 of the population is marked poverty. Afghanistan has the highest rate of under 5 motility in Asia, and is 2nd highest motility in the world.

    Economic cost: Unemployment remains high in the Iraqi estimated by the government at 23% in 2011 and in the UN at 28%. Manufactured has been hard hit by loss of electricity compacity, during the sanction and war years.Neoliberal policy increased unemployment, raised insecurities, and ultimate slowed the pace of reconstruction. Capital formation has increased only since 2008 with improved security. Rebuilding and capitol formation has been slowed. Increased oil revenues raise GDP's.

    Social and Political cost: The U.S. government has post 9/11 terrorist fears to expand its motoring of the U.S. citizens. The in federal state agents have monitored anti nuclear activists and Pennsylvanians residents concerned about the threat. Unregulated oil shale drilling posses to their water supply. The U.S. has more people under servalence through individual FISA's that they do wiretraps through "criminal wiretraps" for a persons probable involvement in criminal activities.

    1) Yes, but it is ranked very poorly and not all promises were made
    2) Yes, Because Iraqi women have pressed access to legal rights, schooling, and paid employment with noticeable success.
    3) The people had more freedom, rights, and choices.

  27. Casey Culver Spencer DedeSeptember 26, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    Human Costs: 1 It affects the family they pay for there disability. 2 6,650 dead in Iraq and Afghanistan.3 Most Soliders have a physical injury or a disability and child abuse went up in homes.
    Economic Costs:1 3.1 trilion and counting they raised and taxed sold war bombs.2 current wars are almost all borrowing.3 After the war the cost does not stop they still pay for disability veterans.
    Social and political costs:1 over 100,000 people have been held prisoner in Iraq.2 Americans and others have been scent to a detention facilities. 3 they would take them away without trial.


    1. Yes,because it is limited with human rights and violations.

    2. Yes,they are setting unequation and are in the government.

    3. countries will hopefully stop what we say out to stop.
