Holidays and Observances Around the World
It's International
Celebrations Around the World
Holiday Celebrations
Winter Celebrations
Festivals Around the World
New Year Celebrations Around the World
Scan the list of topics about food, dance, games, customs, traditions, crafts, names, superstitions, proverbs, folktales, and toys. Look for your assigned country and read about the information available on that chosen topic. Then, return to the blog and post a reflection using the story pyramid model.
Two strong words, defining the topic
Three words, describing the setting of the topic (when/where/how)
Four words, stating the origin/beginning of the topic
Five words, describing an interesting fact
Six words, describing a second interesting fact
Seven words, describing a third interesting fact
Eight words, stating why you chose the topic
Brazil's Fame
Saturday through Thursday
Its not about history
Begins 40 days before Easter
The parade tells a different story annually
A time of camaraderie, freedom, no work
After seeing "Rio," I wondered why they partied